My little adventure into the world of blogging. We'll see how it goes.
Stroughzer's Articles In Blogging
August 30, 2004 by Stroughzer
August 21, 2004 by Stroughzer
August 18, 2004 by Stroughzer
August 15, 2004 by Stroughzer
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August 13, 2004 by Stroughzer
How do I make a link withing the text of the blog, I've tried using the link option on the Create and ariticle screen but it doesn't seem to be working.
August 13, 2004 by Stroughzer
"Reply By: Texas Wahine Posted: Friday, August 13, 2004 . . . and might I say that Al-Sadr gets the award for "Muslim Cleric with the Worst Teeth" . . . eww . . . maybe we should bomb him with some flouride or something? Capture him and forcibly floss his teeth?" Didn't we do something similar with Saddam?
August 12, 2004 by Stroughzer
I need some help with editing my blog. First how do you delete or edit an article? Second, how do you put a link in using the link button on the article editor?
August 12, 2004 by Stroughzer