My little adventure into the world of blogging. We'll see how it goes.
Published on August 12, 2004 By Stroughzer In Blogging
I need some help with editing my blog. First how do you delete or edit an article? Second, how do you put a link in using the link button on the article editor?
on Aug 13, 2004
I'm still a newbie, but I'll tell you what I know:

There is a little icon at the bottom of your article that allows you to edit it. I can't remember what it looks like since I'm not looking at it right now, but first is the quote icon, then the magnifying glass icon, and the third is to edit your articles.

That's the extent of what I know. I hope that helps at least a little bit.
on Aug 13, 2004
Yeah I ended up finding it well enough. For some reason I got lost. Now I just need to figure out how to create a link in the body of an article.
on Aug 13, 2004
OK . . . here's what I think you do . . . you click on the bar that says link and then type in the url you want to link to. If I'm not looking right at it I can't remember exactly what to do. Maybe that will help?
on Aug 13, 2004
Let's see what happens
on Aug 13, 2004
I've put the URL in when it prompted me to, I clicked OK and nothing happened. Then I tried to highlight some text, and then use the link button, but nothing happened either. I'm thinking about just doing it the old fashioned way
on Aug 13, 2004
Hmmm . . . I am not so great with these things. Sorry I couldn't help.